Sacramento, CA

Raijin Ramen House

I was feeling in need of some comfort. Ramen boy just finished with his doctor’s visit. It was just a routine physical that’s required for school and he passed with flying colors. Really no need for concern but I had sweaty palms driving him there with a feeling of doom and gloom. Keep in mind that I go to doctor’s appointments and hospitals often since I accompany my mom and I never feel this way. I am always concerned but I am guessing that deep down I worry something may be wrong with my baby. Yes I know it sounds pathetic but my baby is a teenager now. He had a rough start coming in to the world, I had a hard time having him and a mother’s love and worry is forever. Forever.

So to celebrate a routine doctor’s appointment we went for some ramen. He had the garlic shoyu tonkotsu ramen with just the chashu and a side of gyoza. I wanted cold noodles and so I ordered the kimchi mazemen. Kimchi is the ultimate comfort food and pair it with rice or noodles and with an oozy egg all is well in the world. Raijin’s mazemen did not disappoint and I was quite happy to be given a whole egg. For presentation it would look better split in half showing the yolk but it would have spoiled that first bite and the burst of egg yolk into your mouth. The egg was cooked to perfection. The noodles were chilled and springy on top of some mixed greens, chopped chashu, kimchi, dried seaweed and a light shoyu citrus based (ponzu) dressing. It was on the bottom and not drizzled on top which I preferred. Absolutely delicious.

Just what the doctor ordered.

Raijin Ramen House
1901 S St
Sacramento, CA
(916) 498-9968


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