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Marks & Spencer

Packaged Ramen

Clearspring Shoyu Ramen

The last packaged ramen hubby brought back from London was so awful (cool Marks and Spencer packaging though) that I swore off the stuff if it came from the UK. Not too long ago he brought back another discovery that he thought looked promising but I was skeptical and hid it on the shelf. However desperate times calls for desperate measures when you are hungry and with an empty pantry.

The brand is called Clearspring and the shoyu packet was liquid instead of powder and that was a plus. The brown rice noodles cooked perfectly with a bit of a spring to them instead of turning out mushy. I kept it simple by adding thin sliced rare steak and dried seaweed with kimchi on the side. It was a decent satisfying bowl of noodles. Would I make it again after all there is one more packet left? Probably not but I will keep it in the pantry for ramen boy since he does experiment and makes noodle concoctions with leftover dried noodles.

Hubby leaves again for London and asked for requests. Let’s definitely skip the ramen this time. Marks & Spencer crisps are the way to go.