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Lotus Foods

Packaged Ramen

Millet & Brown Rice Ramen

Gluten-free organic ramen abounds at the supermarket and I wasn’t too surprised considering a gluten-free version of everything exists. Ramen boy wouldn’t touch this with a ten foot pole but ramen mom on the other hand thought what the heck why not give it a go. It’s also detox week with my Kaia fitness group and I have been a bad girl not following the plan. Eating ramen somehow doesn’t denote “healthy” and so I justify it by thinking the noodles are fueling my long runs. Like all instant packaged noodles this is a cinch to make. I chopped up some green onions, bok choy, shiitake mushrooms and added a soft boiled egg for the toppings. The noodles looked like the real deal once cooked. I added it to the broth and could tell that the broth and noodle ratio was off. First of all I couldn’t see the noodles and as soon as I added the toppings everything submerged into the liquid. The toppings should be able to sit nicely on top of the noodles. With my chopsticks I dug in to some of the noodles and slurped away. The millet & brown rice noodles were a bit chewy but at least not mushy like I expected. The miso broth was rather flavorless so I had to add some tamari to boost the taste and thankfully I had some leftover kimchi to eat with it.

No more GF ramen for me unless you can convince me otherwise. Give me a good bowl of ramen and I will happily run those extra miles to burn it off.